Dia Bondi is an a
and 20-year leadership communications coach.

Dia in Studio
Dia sitting on stool

Dia Bondi works with CEOs, innovators, and ambitious professionals to help them align and activate teams, people, and culture toward shared goals. Dia has worked with world-class brands like Intel, Mozilla, Salesforce, Dropbox, and Agilent Technologies to help leaders have more impact. She’s coached change-makers backstage at the Clinton Global Initiative, the Commonwealth Games Federation, and countless entrepreneurs in technology and social impact in the midst of a level up.

After training as an auctioneer, Dia translated the strategies she learned from the fundraising auctioneering stage into a program and book with a goal to help 1,000,000 women ask for more in their career and life. In Ask Like An Auctioneer: How To Ask For More and Get It, Dia outlines a six-step framework that will help you strategically and confidently ask for more, maximizing the potential of every ask, every time.

Dia’s approach is both practical and inspirational, rooted in real-world experience and a deep understanding of the power of asking as a success strategy.

In everything Dia does, she is devoted to cultivating the courage and control you need to shine when stakes are high so you can move toward your goals with unshakable commitment on your own terms.

Dia on stage

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Give your audience the power to make strategic asks to improve their careers, lives, and impact inside of your organization or team.

Ask like an Auctioneer book

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When you Ask Like An Auctioneer you can ask for more, get it, and make the kind of asks that can change everything.